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NPAQ Case Win #1424 NPAQ Defends Nurse Against Hazardous Conditions

Empowering Nurses to Call Out Workplace Conditions

The Nurses' Professional Association of Queensland (NPAQ) always has your back. It’s important for Nurses to know that when a situation or person infringes on your workplace rights, you’re not alone. 

Recently, we secured a significant case win for one of our members. Faced with the challenge of caring for a hazardous and uncooperative patient, she found herself in a distressing situation, fearing for her own safety after witnessing a fellow nurse sustain an injury while caring for the same patient. We assigned one of NPAQ's expert case managers to help her through the process. 

This involved discussions about her work health and safety (WH&S) rights and effective communication strategies. Although initially uncooperative, once we engaged with her employer they came around and our member got the result she was after. 

In addition, by standing up she has sparked a wave of assertiveness among her co-workers. 

The Case

Your employer has an obligation to provide a safe workplace. And, as an employee you actually have an obligation to not work in an unsafe environment. Legislation in most States and Territories is very similar on this point. 
So, when our nurse member’s employer did not take appropriate steps to make the working environment safe, they were in breach. What is ‘safe’ varies from case to case and industry to industry, however a potentially violent and uncooperative patient most likely meets the definition. 

There are various avenues available to enforce compliance with OH&S obligations on the part of your employer. At minimum an audit from the OH&S regulatory body can be requested. In this case, it was enough to communicate with the employer and let them know, that we know, and our member knows, her rights.  

NPAQ's Role: Representation & Empowerment

As a nurses union committed to ensuring the well-being of its members, the NPAQ was well-prepared to tackle this challenging case. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the NPAQ promptly provided our member with a wealth of information on her OH&S rights as a nursing professional. Armed with a deep understanding of the legislation and regulations safeguarding nurses, our member felt empowered and equipped to take assertive action in protecting herself and her colleagues.

Guidance on Effective Communication

In addition to educating our member on her rights, we provided guidance on how to effectively communicate her concerns with her line manager(s). Knowing that open and clear communication is essential in such matters, the NPAQ helped Katrina prepare her statements, enabling her to express her apprehensions without hesitation or fear of repercussions.

This knowledge and assertiveness had an immediate impact on her situation. Armed with her OH&S rights, she confidently declined to undertake hazardous tasks in relation to the particular patient, citing legitimate concerns for her safety. To her relief, she found that her concerns were now not only heard but genuinely taken into consideration by her line manager(s).

Inspiring Positive Change

The ripple effect of her stand was nothing short of extraordinary. Her actions inspired several of her co-workers to also assert their rights and prioritize their safety when faced with challenging patient situations. The workplace culture underwent a positive shift as nurses became more confident in advocating for their well-being, fostering an environment that values and protects the safety of its healthcare professionals.

Continued Support: A Referral Link

Our commitment to its members goes beyond individual case wins. We always provide a referral link, extending an invitation to co-workers to join us and gain the same level of support, knowledge, and empowerment. The NPAQ's referral program serves as a catalyst, ensuring that nurses across Australia have access to the resources and advocacy they need to navigate the complexities of their profession.

How is the NPAQ so effective in defending members during workplace issues and disputes? Our experienced and professional case managers use our unique RED™ case resolution system.

Why is the NPAQ different? We believe that real change in healthcare STARTS with empowering frontline nurses, not bureaucrats. 

If you are a member of NPAQ and need assistance with maternity leave please submit a Member Support Form on your dashboard, or contact us on on 1300 263 374 - hotline@npaq.com.au

To find out more about NPAQ and become protected today visit: https://npaq.redunion.com.au/join

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