Who we are
By subscribing to Red Union Support Hub, you're joining a network of institutions that together provide a better service than any you'd receive from a singular institution.
Red Union Support Hub (RUSH) is a company that provides services to the NPAQ and NPAA including administrative support and funding. RUSH is authorised by subscribers to join them as members to any relevant organisations for workplace protection.
RUSH organises the subscribers' membership to the Nurses' Professional Association of Queensland (NPAQ) which is part of this network of State-based associations and institutions. It is a professional association that campaigns to advance the interests of the nursing profession and its members.
RUSH organises the subscribers' membership to the Nurses' Professional Association of Australia (NPAA) which is an industrial association whose principal purpose is to protect and promote the interests of members in matters concerning their employment or professional engagement including coverage under the NPAA insurance policy.
The NPAQ's constitution provides the basis for a new type of organisation that focuses exclusively on protecting and promoting the workplace interests of its members.
By subscribing to RUSH and then being joined to NPAQ and NPAA you are guaranteed experienced workplace protection, enterprise bargaining, professional indemnity insurance and much more!
The NPAQ is built around each Branch. It's a "ground-up" organisation rather than a "top-down" one. The Branch Executive, who you elect, will deal with all matters in your region. The Branch also sends delegates to the State Convention who elect the State Executive.
Our goal is to remove decision-making power from the inefficient, centralised and bloated bureaucracy that has failed nurses for decades. The solution is to "go local" and move towards a system that hands decision-making power back to local workers rather than bureaucrats.
How You're Protected
Our unique structure offers four times the protections granted by our competitors and for only a fraction of the price. Your subscription, collected by Red Union Support Hub (RUSH) also grants membership of the NPAQ, NPAA and sister organisations detailed below.
This ensures you receive the best coverage available and have access to our full suite of services.
You are entitled to:
1. A Red Union Support Hub Subscription
A subscription to the most effective, proven union/professional association support organisation in the country. Your subscription to RUSH grants you access to all of the services detailed here. RUSH is appointed as your agent and will then apply on your behalf to various other sister organisations under the "Red Union" banner to ensure you receive the protection you need.
2. Membership of the NPAQ
A membership to the only professional body run by nurses, for nurses and dedicated to the furtherment of their workplace rights - NPAQ.
As part of your subscription, RUSH will then apply for membership on your behalf to NPAQ and will pay for your membership fee (at no additional charge) to this organisation. As our services expand, we will also apply for membership of any relevant State-based associations relevant to you that fall under the "Red Union" umbrella. All fees paid to this organisation go towards paying honorariums and expenditures of the executives of the association and are presented for audit annually at our AGM.
3. Membership of NPAA, an Incorporated Society in Victoria that will be an Industrial Association/Trade Union Nationally
RUSH will also apply for membership to a second Incorporated Society registered in Victoria, VNurses First Inc (ABN 67 781 423 526) t/a NPAA. This Incorporated Association will act as a sister-organisation to the NPAQ and will ensure your industrial interests are protected. Your vital PI Insurance cover is also included with this organisation.
4. Red Union Law Representation
The final service provided by Red Protect is access to Red Union Law. Red Union Law entitles our members to high-level representation in addition to other excellent services provided by Saines Legal.
Unlike firms sourced by ALP supporting Registered Trade Unions, members do not pay extra for this service.
At the end of the day, no one can stop you from selecting the organisation of your choice. All of the services provided above are provided at a fraction of the cost of ALP Registered Trade Union, and keep your hard-earned money in your pocket, rather than the coffers of the ALP or any other political party.
Our friendly staff are always happy to answer any further queries you may have.
The NPAQ Constitution
The Nurses Professional Association of Queensland (NPAQ) is a company limited by guarantee registered by the “Australian Securities and Investments Commission”. The constitution sets out the rules under which NPAQ runs.
The structure that we use ensures that we are held to the same Federal standards used by thousands of other "not-for-profit" organisations around Australia.
Its constitution may be read here.
The NPAA Constitution
The Nurses Professional Association of Australia (NPAA) is an industrial association/ trade union registered by the Consumer Affairs Victoria. The constitution sets out the rules under which NPAA runs.
Its constitution may be read here.
Fundamentally, the ALP Supporting Registered Trade Unions have always tried to attack our status and ability to represent members. The truth is this, we don't want to be the same as the regular trade union movement. We don't want to donate $270 of your money to the ALP and we don't want to run dead on EBA negotiations, only achieving inflation despite collecting years of member fees.
International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions support the right of workers to organise, and to form and join trade unions of their choice. No matter which barricades the Government puts in place, we believe the defence of your right to choose is essential.
Why is NPAQ Different?
1. Member's Interests are our First and Only Interests
NPAQ does not have a party political wing, or any other body set up which could take priority over our members' interests. Nurses' interests are our only interests.
We only support public health policy issues, which benefit nurses first and foremost.
2. Party Political Contributions
NPAQ's constitution not only prohibits party-political financial contributions, but any future executive who attempts it will find themselves personally liable for any members monies contributed to a political party or a party political cause.
This means that members’ money or resources can in practice never be used for any party political purposes.
3. Executive Refreshment
Other than for the inaugural period (whilst we are developing systems and training) the State Executive, meaning the State President, Vice President and Treasurer must change every two years. There will always be fresh blood at the top. Unlike many registered unions, there are no jobs for life in the NPAQ.
4. Separation of Policy Determination and Service Provision
The elected nurse’s executive makes policy. The contracted Service Providers who are the business people and the legal and industrial relations specialists, conduct service delivery. We keep both arms separate. Support for member issues needs to be tightly managed to keep the association financially viable.
5. Devolved Branch Structure
Members can form branches to better represent regional, sectional or facilitative interests. NPAQ runs from the members up not from the top down.
Branches automatically get a share of the membership fees and with the support of their branch members. They can also raise voluntary levies of the branch members involved to help fund their specific branch interests. Remember NPAQ is only roughly half the fees of the QNMU so there is room for modest levies if branch members vote for them.
The branch finances are not controlled by the state executive, but by the branch executive, so all monies will be wisely spent on what branch members want.
6. Policy Developments and Focus on Member Benefits
The constitution sets out a policy development process. It is driven by the nurses and already policy on new nurse training, nurse ratios, the private hospital sector survival and AHPRA reform are in train.
Policy will continue to be developed by working and practising nurse members and will, as a result, promote what nurses see as important not what union officials would want.
The Nurses' Professional Association of Queensland (NPAQ) is a professional association. The Nurses' Professional Association of Australia (NPAA) is an industrial association whose principal purpose is to protect and promote the interests of members in matters concerning their employment or professional engagement. No membership fees are used to support any political party (including the ALP), so we are able to source and/or provide representation for all members, on all issues, better than our competitors. Savings of over $270 are just the beginning.