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Cyclone Alfred & Flooding

We want to ensure you understand your workplace rights and entitlements during this challenging time.


  • If severe weather prevents you from attending work:
    You're eligible for up to 5 days special paid leave that won't reduce your personal leave balances
  • This applies when floodwaters, road closures, or property protection makes travel impossible
  • Additional leave may be granted in exceptional circumstances
  • Document conditions preventing your attendance where it is safely possible to do so

If you're unable to leave work due to weather conditions:

  • Your facility must provide meals, water, and rest facilities
  • Nurses Grade 9 and below must receive overtime pay (not time off)
  • Even senior nurses (Grade 10+) can access overtime during declared emergencies
  • These provisions apply regardless of whether an official "disaster" is declared

Other Members working in Private Health Facilities

  • You have the legal right to refuse unsafe work, including hazardous travel conditions
  • Personal leave can be accessed when caring for family during emergencies
  • Check your specific enterprise agreement for disaster leave provisions
  • Review workplace policies that may provide additional protections

Please stay safe and if you have any workplace difficulties please contact us on 1300 263 374 or email: hotline@npaq.com.au