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Recent news from the NPAQ community. Follow to stay up-to-date on everything that matters to Queensland Nurses.

Case Win: NPAA Secures Fair Pay for Overworked Healthcare Legal Professional

A legal professional with extensive experience started at a new workplace, initially classified at...

Cyclone Alfred & Flooding

We want to ensure you understand your workplace rights and entitlements during this challenging...

Breaking the Monopoly: QNCH Fighting for Nurses' Right to Choose with NPAQ Support

Queensland Nurses for Choice and Health (QNCH) with NPAQ support is gearing up to imminently apply...

Case Win: Notice Period Dispute

Advocacy & Support for Nurses

Jacob, a member of the NPAA South Australia branch made the decision...

Case Win: AHPRA Registration Restrictions

Advocacy & Support for Nurses

Sarah, a member of the NPAA Victoria branch attended a rally where...

QNCH Achieves Major Milestone: Inaugural AGM Sets Course for Change

With the support of the NPAQ we are pleased to update our members on the substantial progress of...

Case Win: Misconduct Allegations in Nursing

Advocacy & Support for Nurses

Allegations of misconduct can cast a shadow over a professional's...

MEDIA RELEASE - New Nursing Association Launches to Fight for Healthcare Reform in Queensland

The Queensland Nurses for Choice and Health (QNCH), with support from the Nurses Professional...

Workplace Support For Agency Nurses

Benefits of NPAQ Membership for Agency Nurses

Agency nurses are essential to our healthcare system,...

Case Win: AHPRA Allegations in Nursing

Advocacy & Support for Nurses

Receiving a notification from the Australian Health Practitioner...