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Case Win: New Member of the Nurse Union Gets $15,000 WIN

NPAA is here for Nurses in distress

We're thrilled to share a success story from a new nurse...

Case Win: Resolving Workplace Bullying and Discrimination - A Case Study

This is a case study on bullying and discrimination, and what nurses (and other healthcare...

Why NPAQ is the Best Union for Nurses and Midwives

What makes NPAQ the best union for nurses and midwives across Queensland?

From comprehensive...

Case Win: Understanding Mandatory Training & Payment Entitlements

A Case Study on Nurse Entitlements

Professional development through mandatory training is not...

Behind the Membership Fees: NPAQ vs. QNMU

QNMU Full Time membership costs $761, whereas NPAQ membership is notably lower at $464.10.

Case Win: NT Public Sector Nurses and Midwives' Enterprise Agreement 2022-2026

NPAA Helps Negotiate a 3% Pay Increase for NT Nurses

In the realm of healthcare, nurses play a...

NPAQ: A Nurses' Union That Actually Works for You

We believe in the value of unions. That’s why the Nurses’ Professional Association of Queensland...

Christmas Holidays 2023 - 2024 Pay Rates

Applicable for QLD Health/Public Sector Employees: 

We did a TEST comparison between the NPAQ and QNMU

Who picks up the phone faster to help a nurse union member? 

Case Win: Nurse Underpaid for Over a Year Due to Misclassification

Nurses Union NPAA steps in to help 

A nurse from the Queensland Branch, the Nurses Professional...