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Recent news from the NPAQ community. Follow to stay up-to-date on everything that matters to Queensland Nurses.

Unresolved Townsville Hospital Safety Breach - WHS

NPAQ President calls out the Chief Executive of Townsville Hospital and Health Service for the poor...

Ho! Ho! Ho! A not-so-happy Christmas for some as Queensland Health commences staff terminations

The Christmas Grinch has arrived in the form of health bureaucrats who have no problem with the...

EB11 What you need to know

QLD Health employed Nurses and Midwives will soon be covered by the EB11 Agreement once certified...

Queensland Government Pulls a Shifty on Energy Prices

The Palaszczuk Government has announced that $150 million of the increased royalties from...

COVID Lessons Not Learned

The Australian Department of Health reports that new COVID infections rose by more than 3,000 cases...

NPAQ Calls Health Minister Out Over QH Redundancies

This week Minister D’Ath announced that the certification of the Nurses EB11 agreement had been...

Patients at risk: senior nurses become Nurse Educators for no pay

With a large number of new nurse grads and inexperienced nurses being fast-tracked into Queensland...

Christmas COVID Pushes Badly Needed Surgery Wait Lists Even Further Out

Queensland Health bureaucrats have responded to our emergency departments filling with COVID this...

Grinch Bureaucrats Claw Back EB11 Pay Rise

Don’t expect good news for 2023, but it will start with a BANG! As health bureaucrats, who have...